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» Prevention



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TRIAX conceives, designs and produces its safety systems in due consideration of the norms EN ISO 14122-3l.

Our safety systems are recognized by the French control consultants CRAM, MSA and APAVE .

The TRIAX safety gates, folding stairways and mobile safety ladders are tested and approved by the German control consultant TÜV SÜD with annual certification reports (see chapter finishes & norms).

The mobile safety ladder is furthermore NORISKO certified (ex-AFITEST).




Decree no. 2001-1016 of 5 November 2001 establishing a document relating to the assessment of risks to the health and safety of workers, under Article L. 230-2 of the Labour Code and amending the Labour Code …”  Principles of prevention: Art. R. 230-1 – The employer shall transcribe and update, in a single document, the results of the assessment of risks to the health and safety of workers … This assessment comprises an inventory of the risks identified in each unit of work of the company or establishment. The updating shall be carried out at least annually and whenever a major organisational decision is taken that changes the conditions of hygiene and safety or working conditions, … or when supplementary information regarding the assessment of a risk in a work unit is collected. The document mentioned in the first paragraph of this article has been kept available to the members of the Committee on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions or bodies that take its place, staff representatives or, failing this, persons exposed to a risk to their safety or their health, as well as to the occupational physician. It shall also be made available, at his request, to the work inspector or supervisor, or agents of the prevention services of the social security organisations. Art. R. 263-1-1 – Failure to transcribe or update the results of the risk assessment, under the conditions set out in Article R. 23-1, is punishable by a fine imposed for class 5 contraventions. A repetition of the infringement described in the first paragraph is punishable under the conditions set out in Article 131-13 of the Penal Code.


French Labour Code: Articles to be consulted: L230.2, L230.3, L230.4, L231.8 and following, R 233…

  • “Project managers shall be obliged to conform to the rules issued to comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions established in the interests of safety at work”.

  • Art. L. 235-1.9
    “The working equipment and its elements must be installed and must be able to be used in such a manner that their stability is guaranteed”.

  • Article R 233-5
    “Folding staris, cantilever floors, lifting platforms, as well as their means of access, must be constructed, installed or protected so that the works called upon to use them are not exposed to risks of falling”.

  • Article R 233-45
    “The arrangement and organisation of the loading ramps and bays must prevent workers from being exposed to the risks of falling”.

  • Article R 235-3.1.5
    “Indoor and outdoor places of work must be arranged so that the pedestrians and vehicles are able to circulate safely”.

  • Article R 232-1.9
    According to the INRS (National Institute for Research and Safety) “handling is the major cause of industrial accidents”.
    “For the car park for road vehicles arrange for the installation of an automatic chocking device to prevent vehicles from leaving the car park without the agreement of the quay personnel”.
    Recommendation of CNAM R 223. Paris, INRS, 1983

The Labour Code provides that resorting to handling work must be avoided wherever possible (Decreed 95-958, 3 Sept. 92) and such handling work must in any case be facilitated by mechanical devices or prevention accessories.

*This is an exhaustive and informative summary. The author accepts no liability for the interpretations made by the reader.